5 Tips for Every New Makeup Artist

Being new to the world of makeup artistry can be a little tough as figuring things out can be a very scary journey. This is where I was standing at the start of the year, it was very hard but I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way which is why I thought I would share them with any one else who is a budding makeup artist.

1. Stock Your Kit With Everything 
When I say everything, I mean everything! Especially things that you as a “makeup artist”  definitely don’t need such as hairspray, nail polishes etc. You never know when someone will need things and if you come over prepared it creates a great impression for everyone to remember you by. 

2. Always Talk 
Whether they are an actress, model or an everyday client a lot of people find getting their makeup done a little awkward, which is why you need to be able to practice small talk. It not only makes the person in your chair feel a little more at ease, it opens up a line of communication. 

3. Camera Test 
If you are on set ALWAYS do a camera test right before you finish. Makeup will always look slightly different in front of a film camera that has a bunch of different types of lighting. After all you want your work to look perfect, don’t you? 

4. Learn A Couple Of Hairstyles 
Sometimes people cancel, whether it be on set or an ordinary salon, which is why it is always a nifty trick to have a few hairstyles up your sleeve. If you can help out a loyal customer or a head hairdresser on set, you will always make their day. It is always about the service and experience that you give to people. 

5. Clarify 
Clarification is your best friend! It is important to clarify every step of the way even if you are on set, you want to make sure that you are doing exactly what someone has envisioned in their mind. A lot of people, especially directors love to feel as if their vision has been heard. 

I hope this blogpost has helped at least someone! Let me know in the comments if you have any tips and tricks that you have helped you a lot. Bye bye for now xx 

You can find me on social media; 

Instagram: @blendandspend 


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