Go-To Skincare Review

Skincare, it is something we all find more than a little hard to get just right, which is why when a new skincare brand catches my eye I know that I NEED to try it! I am always on the hunt for a perfect product, whether it be exfoliator, moisturiser or even a lip balm. Go-To Skincare caught my eye from the very beginning as I have always been a fan of the brands creator, Zoe Foster-Blake, and was very interested in testing the type of skincare she may create. 

The brand is all about going straight back to basics when it comes to regime and products, one product will suit all skin types, which is a concept that I am here for. Plus, they deliver product information with more than a little bit of humour, which to be honest is the best way to sell to me! The entire ordering and delivery process was extremely quick and easy, to say I was impressed would be an understatement. Each product was packed carefully and beautifully, and the package came with a fortune cookie, I mean talk about customer service. I could not wait to get these products on my skin to give them a red hot crack. 

Pinky Nudey Lips 
Can you say new favourite lip balm? I have fallen completely in love with Pinky Nudey Lips. The formula feels all kinds of luxurious on the lips, as well as giving an amazing glossy finish which makes me love it even more. I have no words. It is a great lip balm with an even better lip tint, what more could you want? 

I would 100% recommend this product to anyone that I meet. Amazing!

Very Useful Face Cream 
If there is one thing in my skincare routine that I am always excited for it is a moisturiser, I love a moisturiser that is extremely hydrating, smoothing and leaves my skin with a radiant glow. The Very Useful Face Cream has a thick formula that feels very hydrating the minute you put it on your face. It is also full of antioxidant ingredients that will ensure a fight against ageing skin, which is always a plus, it is never too early to start thinking about anti-ageing products. 

I would definitely recommend this product to all skin types, however, I will say that those with dry skin should probably use an oil beforehand. 

Properly Clean Cleanser 
 Cleanser is something that I am always more than picky with, my very dehydrated skin is a little too high maintenance for my liking and needs a cleanser that will hydrate whilst removing any imperfections from my skin, which is why I am always hesitant when trying something new. The cleanser does an amazing job at clearing any imperfections and excess oil from the skin, making sure my face feels super clean, however I will say that after cleansing I do feel a little dry and have to pop moisturiser on almost immediately. I would rather a cleanser that is a little more hydrating. 

Overall the cleanser is amazing and does a great job, however I would only recommend it to people who have balanced/oily skin types. 

After dipping my toes into the brand I am definitely interested in trying more products! Next on my to try list from Gp-To are the Exfoliating Swipeys. 

Thanks for reading this blogpost! Let me know if you have tried any of the brands products and what you thought. Bye bye for now xx 

P.S. You can find me on social media; 

Instagram: @blendandspend 


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